Posted on July 22, 2021
Retro is fun
Just a quick post as an ode to how uh… fun… retro can be sometimes. I’m somewhat cursed I think that in just about every time I work on a retro project I end up running into road blocks. Case in point.

What was supposed to be just a simple upgrade of a computer and then some easy captures turned into a multi day project. To give the basic overview here is the timeline of events:
- Upgraded CPU, set jumpers
- Computer won’t boot
- Lot’s of fiddling with jumper settings, re-seating computer finally starts up
- Attempt to install game using ISO file
- Iso file is having problems and won’t copy correctly (shows negative byte size)
- Zip up ISO file and transfer it to computer
- Attempt to unzip computer goes haywire, corrupted messages and shut down
- Hard drive fully corrupted
- Attempt to recover hard drive with no luck, non bootable and partition unrecognizable
- Find new hard drive, preload it in modern machine
- Windows installation errors out, unable to read setup files
- Blow away partitions manually, reload OS from CD
- Install the incorrect drivers for the sound card leading to blue screens
- Fight for hours trying to uninstall the drivers until I realize I had read the model number on the sound card wrong. DOH
- Computer finally is booting with proper drivers, install game
- Install latest update for game. Game will no longer boot
- Fight with updates for hours upon hours
- Reinstall game from different sources, errors everywhere
- Put a new DVD drive in computer, uninstalled game and literally cleaned the registry manually
- Install game and it boots without updates but textures are BLUE
- Find an older update which doesn’t crash the game
- Game still is running after update. With blue textures. ARGH
- Find a compatibility setting that fixes the blue texture problem
- Profit/cry
So that’s just insane and it took days of tinkering. A simple retro project that went off the rails but I finally got there in the end but just about everything this machine could have done to be a pain… it did.
I love retro stuff.